The Spectacle of Sports

tcu osu,

After going up to Stillwater, Oklahoma to watch the TCU OSU game, I noticed many things that we recently talked about in class, especially with sports. First off the game is more of a spectacle than anything. Trust me, from my 100 second snapchat story from the game I can tell you first hand it is very easy to get distracted. There is so much visual noise going on during the game in the stands of a game (and even during the breaks with advertisements) that it is very hard to focus on the actual game. Also people are usually notice the person standing out. For example, being one of the only people who was wearing purple in a sea of orange definitely got me noticed in a bad way because we lost. However, seeing the game in actual person puts a different vibe and gives you a different feeling about the game. With all of the emotion and crowd noise there, it makes you feel like you are actually in the game, which is way different than watching it on TV or listening to it on the radio. My weekend for sure related to what we just talked about in class last Thursday.

Craig Miller

Does the background make a big difference?


So this semester I have been to two formals. At formals, of course you have to take pictures because you are dressed up and everything. It is a big deal to take pictures. For my formal the weather was nice, so the pictures were taken with frog fountain in the background because that is the normal thing. However, for zeta’s formal the weather was gross, so the pictures had to be taken in the lobby of Shirley Hall. That picture is on the right.

I personally did not think that background make a huge difference until I looked at these pictures side by side. While the background may not be the first thing you notice, it definitely has an effect on the picture. We will eventually notice the background of the picture and the background makes a difference in the picture in general.

Craig Miller

Social Media Takeover?


As I was eating at the BLUU today, I noticed this in the napkin holder. This advertisement is to follow the TCU snapchat story. While this does not seem like a big deal, I thought about it more and more. This ad shows the evolution of society and especially the Internet. Think about how different this ad would have been 10 years ago? There would have been a WWW. on this to keep up to date. Even a couple years ago it would have been different in the fact it would have said something about Facebook or Twitter. However, nowadays snapchat is the big thing, so TCU has to adapt to the visual culture of today to stay relevant. It also shows that advertisements try to stay cool to try to get their message across and have a successful ad. The Internet will always be evolving, so advertisements will have to as well

Craig Miller

Can You See Everything In a Photograph


As I was walking through the commons today, I decided to take a snapshot of it. It was a beautiful day, and I thought why not. Now this might look like a normal picture, but I am going to tie it into the extra credit reading we had to do before we went to the Kimbell Art Museum. The article stated that pictures do not give us the whole effect or experience. I agree completely. The picture cannot see what is happening behind the picture. It also cannot tell how hot or cold the weather is. It cannot also tell what the people are doing or what they are talking about. The point I am trying to get across is the fact that pictures do not tell the whole story or do not have the same meaning as actually being there in the moment.

Craig Miller