

Students will be assigned different weeks for their entries to total 4 entries over the course of the semester. We will look at the blog each Thursday. For each entry, upload one photo (or other media) that reflects the topic you would like to discuss (preferably one you have taken yourself). Create an appropriate title for your image and indicate the date you took it (which should be during this semester). Then write at least a paragraph of 5 – 6 sentences about why you chose this image and its significance to the course. These entries are open to creativity – have fun with it!

PLEASE ‘FILE” your entry by categorizing it by SECTION 1 (9:30) or SECTION 2 (12:30) !

Grading criteria will consider the presentation of the blog entry, choice of themes and relevance to course material. Correct grammar and spelling will also be considered. 4 @ 5 pts each to equal 20 pts of your participation grade.



“Signs of Change” 5 October 2014 London, United Kingdom

I chose this sign because it is quite ordinary but nevertheless resonated with me. I’d just moved to London and although I had seen these sorts of street signs before, I was more concerned about looking the right way before I crossed the street! For most people, this sign simply indicated that there was a change in which car should “give way” or yield on a street, yet it isn’t a sign that was part of my visual culture growing up, so it struck me as more philosophical. I couldn’t help but chuckle and think it must be referring to my life in a new city. It brought new meaning to the expression, “it must have been a sign!”

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